Down Memory Lane…

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In today’s short blog post, I would like to take a trip with you down memory lane. As we do this, I would like to highlight some of the best pieces of advice I ever got from key people and organizations in my life. I trust that this little adventure will be encouraging and motivating to you…

  1. From My Dad –God is always good. There are no accidents. Pain has a purpose.” He termed this little slogan, the G.A.P. Truths. I pray I never forget these truths…
  2. From the Civil Air Patrol’s Cadet Program – “Good followers make good leaders; and good leaders were, and still are (to some degree), good followers.” This Cadet Program (similar to the Boy Scouts) was something I participated in during my High School years. This little program was instrumental in stirring my desires to join the military after High School.
  3. From Winn-Dixie (My First Real Job) – “Pick it up, don’t pass it up…Anything worth doing is worth doing well.” My first employer installed within me a hard work ethic that was focused on excellence, no matter the task at hand.
  4. From the Pensacola Police Department’s Cadet Program (My Second Real Job) – “We’re not looking for heroes. We simply need people to come in, do their job, and go home.” Though never a police officer, I was hit with the reality that police officers are heroes that faithfully serve, day in and day out. There are moments of excitement for sure, but consistent faithfulness and long-term service are of more value than short-term fervency and intensity.
  5. From the U.S. Army – “Slow is smooth; and smooth is fast.” These words were uttered to me while on the Rifle Range during my Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Indeed, this little slogan has proved to be true in both my shooting and leadership decision-making.
  6. From Faith Baptist Bible College – “A good pastor will always be deacon dependent.” I remember these words having an impact on me during class; and I can testify to the truthfulness of these words now that I’m in full-time ministry. Indeed, true teamwork and mutual reliance upon one another is important for effective leadership in the local church.
  7. From Prairie Flower Baptist Church – “God’s will is often found at the intersection of obedience and opportunity.” These words, uttered from a very wise deacon, have really stuck with me. Indeed, so many people struggle with knowing God’s will, but the key is to remain faithful with the current tasks God has given you (obedience) and as new opportunities present themselves, you evaluate and make decisions with prayer.

Well, that’s all for now. Thanks for taking this little trip down memory lane with me. Hey, do you have your own quotes that have really stuck with you? If so, comment below. I would love to hear from you!

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