The Conception of a Vision

It just won’t stop. Here at Prairie Flower, people are getting saved, baptized, and added to the church! God is so good; and I simply stand in awe of Him and the work He is doing at Prairie Flower.

Last Sunday we had the privilege of baptizing eight individuals…eight eternal souls! Numbers don’t tell you everything, but they are fascinating. Thus far, since the beginning of 2014, we have had four people saved, eight baptisms, and about a dozen people join our church! In fact, after the eight baptisms last Sunday, three other people met with us and inquired about church membership! Isn’t that awesome?! I mean this is what church is all about…people getting saved, baptized, and added to the church. It’s almost as if we are an Acts 2:41 church…and I’m loving it!

However, in the stillness and quietness of my office, I have wondered…how long will this last? Is this simply a phase? Will things eventually taper off and go back to “normal”? Then I stand up in resolution and shout (to the walls)…NO! Absolutely not! This can and should be a regular occurrence here at Prairie Flower Baptist Church! We can and should be an Acts 2:41 church! In fact, I am realizing that my passion for Prairie Flower, and my passion for seeing souls being radically changed as a result of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is giving birth to a vision. In other words, this is just in the “conception” stage of things, but my vision for Prairie Flower looks something like this…

“Prairie Flower Baptist Church seeks to be an Acts 2:41 church. That is to say, we earnestly desire to see people saved, baptized, and added to the church on a regular basis. We long to be a church that is a safe-haven from the legalistic terrors of various religious denominations. We passionately long to see men stand up as leaders, women to thrive in their relationships, and children to grow up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Bottom line, Prairie Flower Baptist Church earnestly desires to be a growing, thriving community of Jesus Followers in southeast Iowa!”

That’s it folks. That’s the vision. It took 20 seconds to write…I’m excited and nervous. This can and should be the way things are at Prairie Flower. But you ask, “HOW is this possible…HOW will we get this done?!” Answer: I don’t have a clue, but I serve a God who knows ALL the answers to the HOW questions. At this point, I just know WHAT…WHAT the vision looks like…WHAT life and ministry can and should look like.

Friends, I trust Jesus…I follow Jesus…and all I know is that Jesus demands faithfulness NOT outward signs of success. So, I will follow Jesus, in the cornfield, during the sunshine…and the rain…and as I follow Christ, I ask of you, “Won’t you follow me?” But you say, “Where are we going?!” Answer: I don’t have a clue…but Jesus is there…and if He’s there…I want to be there too!

4 thoughts on “The Conception of a Vision

  1. Everything seems to be working as designed. Push the F5 key and if that doesn’t work try rebooting and see if that doesn’t make a difference.

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