Upcoming Meetings…

Please keep the following dates in mind:

1) On Sunday, October 5 at 2:00 PM, your leadership team (i.e. pastor and deacons) will be meeting to discuss many items to include the organization of Growth Groups. Please keep in mind that you only have two more weeks to sign up for Growth Groups. The sign-up sheet for this is located on the bulletin board, in the foyer, and is filling up fast. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we need continual wisdom and discernment as we move forward.

2) On Sunday, October 12 at approximately 11:45 AM (i.e. immediately following the Morning Worship Service), we will conduct our Quarterly Business Meeting. This should be a standard, “normal” business meeting with no items to vote upon. The primary item of business for this meeting is to review and approve our church’s financial report.

Also, we continue to welcome Jon Rocha, our new pastoral intern, to the Prairie Flower team. His first official Sunday was yesterday, and he was able to teach the teens during the Sunday School hour. He also was able to give the welcome, announcements, and pastoral prayer during the Morning Worship Service. In fact, every weekend Jon is with us, he will be teaching the teens in Sunday School and giving the welcome, announcements, and pastoral prayer. You will also see Jon perform other pastoral duties like officiating communion, helping with our baptismal services, and even preaching every once in a while. We are so grateful for Jon and his wife, Julia, and their ministry to Prairie Flower. Again, there is a sign-up sheet in the foyer for you to house and feed Jon and Julia during the weekends they’re with us. Please sign up this Wednesday or Sunday.

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